hey hey dear silent readers :), semalam too busy nak post this entry so then i post hari ni :) yes yes ! 26th july 2012 was her bufday yesterday, who....??? the one and only, my dearest sista in the world that i ever had :) NOR SYAZA AZMI ❤ happy bufday sygss, may Allah bless you, sorry there were no present for you :'| and i hope this post can replace 'the present' and hope you like it, ILYSDM muah :*
she :') ily so much sygs :) ❤
for you sygs :')
wish you a happy bufday for the sweet 8teen sygs :) and to MR. Z takecare of her okay ❤
*p/s : esok muet test, 3papers, reading, writing and listening :'D wish me goodluck :')